Welcome to Holy Trinity
We welcome you in the Name of the Holy Trinity—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, one Godhead revealed in threefold splendor. We invite you to join in the life of love for our glorious Creator and Savior to which we ourselves have been called.
We welcome you to our community that bears the Name of the Holy Trinity. We are a family of faith, made up of people from many different walks of life, ages, ethnicities, and religious backgrounds. We mirror the diversity in unity of the one God who is blessed forever, and in whose praises we delight as Christians of right worship (in Greek, orthodox).
We welcome you to our spiritual home, the house of God that our community has built to bear the Name of the Holy Trinity. Our parish icon depicts the visitation to Abraham and Sarah of the three angelic beings through whom the Lord was manifested on earth (Genesis 18:1). We use this depiction to express our belief in the Triune God.
You will see in the icon that the table set by Abraham and Sarah has an open place waiting for you, too. All people are welcome to join us for prayer. Our services are mostly in English, and we provide books to follow along. Welcome to Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church!
“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God the Father, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”
– Second Corinthians 13:14

Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church has been the spiritual home for Orthodox Christians in the Greater Lansing area since March 1940, when the parish was officially organized by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Since that time, several generations have joined in making ours a vibrant, growing spiritual community with strong interfaith ties in our city.
Our beautiful Orthodox church building is without equal in mid-Michigan, and visitors stop in regularly to enjoy the beauty of our iconography, stained glass windows, and the furnishings of our sanctuary. We have many parish organizations, including a Sunday School and Greek School (for children and adults), a ladies aid society (Philoptochos), a men’s service group (AHEPA), as well as a wonderful choir. There is a place for everyone here.
Our social hall is now available for rental to parishioners and non-parishioners. Contact the Church Office (517.482.7341) for rental information and a fee schedule.